vertua private client
Your Personal Private Client Professionals

What can be done if there are concerns about your Lasting Power of Attorney?
You, your family or anyone otherwise concerned about you can contact the Office of the Public Guardian or the Court of Protection if there are concerns about an attorney e.g. the misuse of money or decisions that aren’t in the best interests of the person they’re responsible for.
The management of your Lasting Power of Attorney can be officially reviewed
The Office of the Public Guardian and Court of Protection can review and check how an attorney’s decisions are being made. They can:
arrange a visit with the attorney and the donor together, or the donor alone
contact other people such as the donor’s family, bank or care workers
report to the authorities if they believe anything illegal has occurred or take action directly
they have the power to investigate and stop an attorney acting if, for example:
the attorney has done something the Lasting Power of Attorney does not permit
the attorney hasn’t done something the Lasting Power of Attorney has instructed them to do
the attorney hasn’t been acting in the donor’s best interests
the attorney has misused the donor’s money or made decisions to benefit themselves
the attorney has done something that goes against the donor’s human or civil rights
the donor isn’t being treated well
the donor made the Lasting Power of Attorney under pressure or they were tricked into it